Healthy 5-Minute Lunchbox: October 7

October 7, 2013 Healthy Lunchbox

Ellie’s not a huge sandwich fan so when I can eliminate bread and just give her the sandwich components, I try to do so. She loves to dip and is a huge fan of hummus so I’m hoping that she’ll dip the turkey into the hummus. I also have been trying to introduce new fruits so I’ll be curious to see how she likes the kiwi. Not going to lie, I snuck a few pieces. I’m a huge fan!

Today’s 5-minute lunchbox:
2 slices low-sodium turkey (roll each 1/2 slice into spirals)
1 Tbsp. hummus
1 kiwi
1 oz. colby-Jack cheese

Throwaway report: 1 turkey roll and 1 square of cheese came home. I’m pretty certain she ate the hummus with her finger vs dipping the turkey in it. Maybe not though…